Home / Products / data capture / point of sales / mobile label printer / Direct Thermal Printer / DT PRINTER ZQ320 PLUS BLUETOOTH 4.X NO LABEL SENSOR OUTDOOR USE
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Zebra ZQ320 Plus Mobile Direct Thermal Printer - Monochrome - Label/Receipt Print - Bluetooth - Near Field Communication ( ...Read More
Zebra ZQ320 Plus Mobile Direct Thermal Printer - Monochrome - Label/Receipt Print - Bluetooth - Near Field Communication (NFC) - Battery Included - With Cutter - 72 mm (2.83") Print Width - 100 mm/s Mono - 203 dpi - 80 mm Label Width - CPCL, ZPL Emulation - For iOS, Android, PC Less
VPN: ZQ32-A0E04TE-00 SKU: CF64730 UPC: 9999999999999
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